Royal Rumble
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Who will win the royal Rumble?!
Who will win the Royal Rumble, who will win a First Class ticket to Wrestlemania to fight Angle or Triple H? Rikishi has to be the fav as he is the last person to enter! But who is this suprise contestant that Vince knows about? Who was in the Limo on Smackdown

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These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse themas you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose"Save As" from the menu.

New Tag Team Champions!
The tag team matchup between Edge & Christian Vs the Dudley Boyz, and after a hard fight, the 3D finished it and the Dudleyz became new Tag Champions!
Dru meets the Game and Stepanie McMahon-Helmsely
As Dru Carry walked around backstage, he walked into the Games locker and finally got to meet Triple H and Stepanie!
Walls of Jericho, on a ladder!
One of the most painful submission moves in the WWF, but on a ladder! and after a long, kick ass fight..........
Jericho Proves Benoit Wrong and Wins the IC Title!
Jericho reached up and graped the IC Title! I would say that this was the match of the Night! This and the Rumble!
Poor Chyna re-injures herself
If only Chyna had listen to The One Billy Gunn, after kicking Ivorys ass all over the place, she went to attempt a handspring elbow to Ivory when she done something to her neck, ivory quickly got the cover and left, The King left ringside to see if she was alright, and Billy Gunn came down from backstage, she was rushed away in a Ambulance!
Triple H has the match won!
WWF Title on the Line! it all happened in this match, after Triple H battering on the knee of the WWF Champ, then a Cat fight started between Steph and Trish, but Vince came dowb and Split it up and both went backstage! Then Earl Hebner was knocked out, but in the ring, Triple H got the Pedigree! But the ref was down, and someone came down to visit the Game!
Stone Cold Stunner!
Stone Cold ran down, battered hell out of Triple H, hit him over the head with the WWF Championship Belt, the delivered the Stone Cold Stunner, Earl Hebner got up as Angle made a cover, Hebner counted the 1-2-3!
Dru Carry is the 5th man of the 2001 Royal Rumble!
The Royal Rumble was underway, who is the 5th person to be entered, Dru Carry! but when both the Hardy Boyz fell over the top rope, leaving Dru in the ring on his own, but when the clock counted to 0, the next wrestler in was................Kane! after circling the ring, then threatening Dru with a chokeslam, the clock counted down, and Raven made the save! about 10 seconds later, Dru Carry realised what he's doing, and jumped over the top rope!
Return of The Honky Tonk Man!
Honky Tonk Man made a return comeback, singing a song breaking a move, but kane had enough and smashed the guitar over his head, the Big Red Machine then picked up what was left of the Honky Tonk man,and threw him over the top.
Big Show! He's Back!
The next BIG suprise was the Big Show, he hasn't been seen in the WWF for a month now, but went to the ring and cleared house, show stopering everyone....... apart from the Rock, who then eliminated the Big Show about 5 minutes after the Big Show got in!
Sore Losser!
Big Show didn't like this, so he set up the anouncers table, draged Rock under the bottom rope and delivered the Show Stoper through the table!
Down to the Last 6!
Billy Gunn, The Rock, Rikishi, Kane, Undertaker, and Austin. Undertaker was put out first by Rikishi, then straight after, Rock put Rikishi out. Billy Gunn delivered the fame-asser on the rattlesnake, then went to throw Austin out win he reversed it and Billy Gunn flew over the Top rope.Just 3 left now!
Austin 3:16 has a First Class Ticket to Wrestlemania!
Rock was next to go, courtsy of Kane, after a few chair-shots to the head and a power clothesline, kane's feet touched the floor! Stone Cold Steve Austin has won the Royal Rumble for the Third time in his Career! He will now face the Champ at Wrestlemania!